Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Time of the Doctor trailer - Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 - BBC

Here it is! An EPIC new trailer for 'Time of the Doctor' which airs on Christmas Day!
This trailer has some pretty wicked voiceovers!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time of the Doctor

I will have up a written review of "Day f the Doctor" some time this week.

Now, on to the news.

Some information regarding the 2013 Christmas special, called Time of the Doctor, not "The Twelfth Nigh" as previously mentioned.

A synopsis was leaked to a tabloid news paper in England with some pretty credible information. I say it's credible because Moffat and Gatiss said to avoid it if you don't want spoilers.

Spoilers Below!!
Read at your own risk!!

It is said that Time of the Doctor will wrap up all of the Smith-era story arcs (the crack in the fabrics of the universe, the silence). On Christmas day, the Doctor takes Clara from Christmas dinner to trenzalore where they encounter the weeping angels (the main antagonists of Smith's final episode) as well as daleks, cybermen, and we see a return of the Silence. The Doctor is said to lose a leg when an angel grabs it and turns it to stone. (Just as a side note, it will be interesting to see how the Doctor takes seeing the weeping angels again for the first time since losing Amy and Rory to them in The Angels take Manhattan) Following this, the Doctor rages a 300 year war against the Angels. In the end, the crack opens up in the sky and the Doctor sees Gallifrey. Suppoedly, the crack was formed when the Doctors sent Gallifrey to the pockey universe in Day of the Doctor. The timelords, in gratitude for saving Gallifrey and Trenzalore, give the Doctor a new set of regenerations. He then proceeds to regenerate. Enter Peter Capaldi, Exit, Mat Smith. It was said that the Smith - Capaldi regeneration will be an intense light show and just as heart-wrenching as Tennant's departure in The End of Time Part 2.



Time of the Doctor teaser.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day of the Doctor Trailer/ Photo News

The BBC has confirmed that the first official trailer containing footage of 'The Day of the Doctor' is set to air just before 8:00 p.m. on BBCOne during Atlantis on Saturday night.

Also, some new photos:

Matt Smith looks on at something.

David Tennant appears to be giving orders or threatening an enemy. Zygons perhaps?

David Tennant speaks to Queen Elizabeth I

Matt Smith looks on at something with a young lady in the background who appears to be wporting a familiar scarf.




Monday, October 28, 2013

Win a Tardis!

Here is the link to enter:

Best of luck!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Alex Kingston!

So lately I've been catching up on Arrow on Netflix. Tonight I decided to watch a little Arrow after I got off work. I'm watching (yes, I know this is from last year), and Alex kingston shows up. My reaction as a loyal Whovian: AHHHH RIVER SONG! /{€Íº+°*}£}¤°Î¼[£{!!??!!!

I had a similar reaction when John Barrowman showed up on the same show.


DOCTOR WHO 50 Years Trailer Breakdown | Votesaxon07

Courtesy of Votesaxon07 over on Youtube! Check out his channel for reviews of Doctor Who episodes, toys, NerdNews, and more!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Release of the "Day of the Doctor' Trailer *Update*

It appears Moffat is on our side when it comes to the air date of the trailer for 'Day of the Doctor'. He says the BBC has lined up what they are going to show, in regards to their new and returning shows. Moffat also says 'If it were up to me, BBC would only publicize Doctor Who and Sherlock.


Friday, October 18, 2013

50th Anniversary Trailer Rumor

Big news whovians! A rumor that appeared on the internet today says that the official trailer for "Day of the Doctor", the 50th Anniversary Special, is set to premiere tomorrow during Atlantis on BBCOne.



Thursday, October 17, 2013

50th Anniversary 'Day of the Doctor' Photos!

BBC finally released some 50th Anniversary photos to the public yesterday. Take a look:

The three Doctors in 11's control room.

11 looks very concerned with the impending events.

For the first time since his exit in 2009, David Tennant returns to the Tardis as 10.

11 just hanging around on the Tardis.

Clara Oswald and Kate Lethbridge-Stewart look on at something.

John Hurt as the mystery incarnation of the Doctor, revealed at the end of 'Name of the Doctor', in 11's control room.


Monday, October 14, 2013

New Banner

I've uploaded a new title banner! I got this banner from 'The Doctor Who Hub' over on Facebook. Design credit goes to the BBC. The Doctor Who Hub is the best Doctor Who blog I've seen on the internet. Their logo was on the banner but I edited it out and threw my own in. If you are on Facebook and haven' yet 'liked' 'The Doctor Who Hub', then what are you doing? Go there and 'like' their page for news, funny pictures, and daily thoughts on Doctor Who. I will also give them credit for some of the stories, pictures and clips I have on here.


Moffat is a serious troll. MOFFAT, You're not funny anymore!

I'm not kidding!

Seriously, read this.


Wise words of Capaldi

In the words of the 12th Doctor...


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been updating as frequently as I have been lately, but I've been busy. There has also been some unforeseen circumstances in which I just haven't felt like posting for the last few days.

Anyway...BBC released some TV spots that aired during the premiere of Atlantis on BBCone. See below:

Stay tuned for updates.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

To Save The Doctor / (The Majestic Tale of) A Mad Man With A Box

New music is live!

Featuring: From Series 7: To Save the Doctor and from Series 6: The Majestic Tale (of a Madman in a Box)


New Music!

I have decided to add  a  new track from the Series 7 Soundtrack to the Network to go with the spiffy new 50th Anniversary look. The track is from the opening of "The Name of the Doctor" and is titled "To Save The Doctor"  Check for it this afternoon or tomorrow.


50th Anniversary Special Title And Posters

Big news guys!

The posters for the 50th anniversary special have been revealed!

The title is: The Day Of The Doctor


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Van Gogh piece discovered!

Over the weekend, a new VanGogh piece was authenticated by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

The Title: Sunset at Montmajour

Lots of green and yellow. And a strange blue box with a light on top in the upper left area of the painting. It quite resembles a London police box.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Doctor Who: Sylvester McCoy Reads The Stonehenge Pandorica Speech & Talk...


Christmas Special Title

Hey folks, I know it's been a while since I posted but I've been busy lately.

Anyway, The title of the 2013 Christmas special is *drum roll*:

"The Twelvth Night"

It will guest star the great Ian McNiece once again as WWII era British Prime Minister Winston Churchill as seen in "Victory of the Daleks" and the "Wedding of River Song".

The title, "The Twelvth Night" foreshadows the death of Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor and the arrival of Peter Capaldi as the twevth Doctor.

Also, Colin Baker reciting Matt Smith's speech from the 'Rings of Akhaten'.



Tuesday, August 13, 2013

An earlier regeneration for 'Eleventh Doctor' Matt Smith?

It wouldn't be surprising considering how Matt cut his hair so soon to filming to the Christmas special and Capaldi is rumored to appear in the 50th Anniversary Special. And how open about the Christmas script Moffat has been.

Anyway, here's a link to the article:


Sunday, August 4, 2013


Well, there we have it, folks!

The great Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor!


It's Time!

And the Doctor is....



Moffat has arrived!!

just as well, we've seen Colin Baker and Jenna Coleman!

WILf is here!

Bernard Cribbins is in attendance!

The Next Doctor


Technical problems have been resolved!

for now.

Hey guys,

I'm having some technical difficulties right now, but they should be resolved shortly.

In the mean time, stay tuned for the next doctor!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

LIve Blog during Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor

Hey Whovians,

Tomorrow during to worldwide simulcast of Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor, I will be blogging live during the event from the arrival of the cast and crew and previous Doctors' and companions to the big reveal! The worldwide simulcast begins at 7:00 pm UK time, 2:00 pm US eastern time, and 5:00 am Australia time


Thursday, August 1, 2013

12th Doctor

***Special Report Update***

The announcement from earlier today was that BBC will simulcast 'Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor' at 7:00 pm UK time. On this program, the identity of the actor cast as the 12th doctor will be revealed. 


**Special Report Update**

From DoctorWhoTV:

12th Doctor to be revealed on Sunday:

Normally Doctor Who TV is wary of writing up”big announcements”, especially when there has been a string of rumours lately that have amounted to nothing. However, it’s finally happening!

Press sources have leaked that the BBC will finally announce the 12th Doctor this weekend.

A special programme on will air this Sunday 4 August at 7pm on BBC1 entitled Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor. A deliberate disposable repeat of Celebrity Mastermind is currently listed in the timeslot.

The show is going to be filmed in front of a live studio audience with Zoe Ball unveiling the next Doctor. The show will also feature interviews with past Doctors and companions.

Interestingly, this week saw Peter Capaldi inexplicably leap to the top of the bookies lists. Is this because he’s won the role? We’ll find out soon enough.

The BBC are expected to officially confirm the programme at midnight.



WhovianNewsNetwork Special Report

From TennantNews (

MSN UK Entertainment have just tweeted the following:

@msnents: #DoctorWho fans. There will be an announcement at midnight. That's all I'm saying...

At the moment it is not clear what this announcement may be. It was rumoured that the identity of the Twelfth Doctor could be revealed in August, although showrunner Steven Moffat was still maintaining only a couple of weeks ago at San Diego Comic Con that they had barely started looking. It could also be an announcement relating to the 50th Anniversary episode - fans were promised some exclusive content following the debacle of the SDCC trailer. Or it could even be something hitherto unforeseen

The information will be revealed at midnight UK time, so check back here later tonight


This will be tonight UK time, so look for the announcement on here some time this afternoon U.S. time.

Until then,


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Quote of the Day

"What I did, I did in the name of peace and sanity, Not in the name of the Doctor."


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

50th Anniversary Special trailer **UPDATE**

More rumours today, folks. A rumour is going around that the 50 the Anniversary trailer will be released on Saturday and that it will differ slightly from the trailer shown at comic con. The slight difference is that the trailer being released this weekend is said to feature not 2, not 3, but 4 (yes, 4) Doctors!

Alright, that's it for now. Stay tuned!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Doctor Who The Rings of Akhaten Series 7 Soundtrack ( "Take my memories"...

The Doctor

'Tis a story of death and rebirth, as is the story of the Doctor himself. For each time we have seen him die, we know that he deserves to rest, that in his long life there is much pain, much sorrow, much suffering, and that he deserves nothing more than to be released from it. But we cannot accept that, not for one moment. Everyone knows that everyone dies, but we NEVER want to see the Doctor die, we love him too much to let him go. So we implore him to live, to wake up. And so he does, he comes back to us, he take us through another series of adventures, all the while his pain grows more, as does his joy so that the next time he has to go it will be a little harder for him to come back to us, but also a little harder for him to stay and claim his rest.

From ValroggTheInvincible on YouTube

The Feels.


Sunday, July 21, 2013


That awesome moment at Comic-Con when Moffaty say "I lied my ass off for months, you know nothing." that gives whovians hope of seeing their favorite characters again.

Wait, maybe that statement itself is a lie. That would mean he wasn't lying for months and we do know things.

I'm Confused!! MOFFATT!!


50th Anniversary and Adventure in Space and Time trailer

Alrighty whovians, The trailers for the 50th and Adventure in Space and Time should be up online within 2 hours! Stay Tuned


Random Picture Post #5

Friday, July 19, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Picture Credits

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd let you know where my pictures for my 'Random Picture Posts' come from.

I collect them from The Doctor Who Hub on Facebook (Formerly 'Doctor Who and the Tardis by Craig Hurle'), as well as from the new DW Cheezburger Network site, It's about time DW got a Cheezburger meme site.


Sherlock Picture Post!

A bit of Sherlock today.


Thursday, July 11, 2013


Guys, I feel like this is worthy enough to have its own announcement. Cheezburger Network now has a Doctor Who meme site.

Here is the link:


Monday, July 8, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Random Picture Post #1

Here are some humorous pictures for you awesome people!



Saturday, June 22, 2013

Matt Smith Thanks the fans

From Matt Smith,

And we, the fans, give you, Matt, a thank you for giving us the Eleventh Doctor. A doctor we will never forget.


Thursday, June 13, 2013