Thursday, July 25, 2013

Quote of the Day

"What I did, I did in the name of peace and sanity, Not in the name of the Doctor."


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

50th Anniversary Special trailer **UPDATE**

More rumours today, folks. A rumour is going around that the 50 the Anniversary trailer will be released on Saturday and that it will differ slightly from the trailer shown at comic con. The slight difference is that the trailer being released this weekend is said to feature not 2, not 3, but 4 (yes, 4) Doctors!

Alright, that's it for now. Stay tuned!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Doctor Who The Rings of Akhaten Series 7 Soundtrack ( "Take my memories"...

The Doctor

'Tis a story of death and rebirth, as is the story of the Doctor himself. For each time we have seen him die, we know that he deserves to rest, that in his long life there is much pain, much sorrow, much suffering, and that he deserves nothing more than to be released from it. But we cannot accept that, not for one moment. Everyone knows that everyone dies, but we NEVER want to see the Doctor die, we love him too much to let him go. So we implore him to live, to wake up. And so he does, he comes back to us, he take us through another series of adventures, all the while his pain grows more, as does his joy so that the next time he has to go it will be a little harder for him to come back to us, but also a little harder for him to stay and claim his rest.

From ValroggTheInvincible on YouTube

The Feels.


Sunday, July 21, 2013


That awesome moment at Comic-Con when Moffaty say "I lied my ass off for months, you know nothing." that gives whovians hope of seeing their favorite characters again.

Wait, maybe that statement itself is a lie. That would mean he wasn't lying for months and we do know things.

I'm Confused!! MOFFATT!!


50th Anniversary and Adventure in Space and Time trailer

Alrighty whovians, The trailers for the 50th and Adventure in Space and Time should be up online within 2 hours! Stay Tuned


Random Picture Post #5

Friday, July 19, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Picture Credits

Hey guys,

Just thought I'd let you know where my pictures for my 'Random Picture Posts' come from.

I collect them from The Doctor Who Hub on Facebook (Formerly 'Doctor Who and the Tardis by Craig Hurle'), as well as from the new DW Cheezburger Network site, It's about time DW got a Cheezburger meme site.


Sherlock Picture Post!

A bit of Sherlock today.


Thursday, July 11, 2013


Guys, I feel like this is worthy enough to have its own announcement. Cheezburger Network now has a Doctor Who meme site.

Here is the link:


Monday, July 8, 2013