Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Time of the Doctor trailer - Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013 - BBC

Here it is! An EPIC new trailer for 'Time of the Doctor' which airs on Christmas Day!
This trailer has some pretty wicked voiceovers!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time of the Doctor

I will have up a written review of "Day f the Doctor" some time this week.

Now, on to the news.

Some information regarding the 2013 Christmas special, called Time of the Doctor, not "The Twelfth Nigh" as previously mentioned.

A synopsis was leaked to a tabloid news paper in England with some pretty credible information. I say it's credible because Moffat and Gatiss said to avoid it if you don't want spoilers.

Spoilers Below!!
Read at your own risk!!

It is said that Time of the Doctor will wrap up all of the Smith-era story arcs (the crack in the fabrics of the universe, the silence). On Christmas day, the Doctor takes Clara from Christmas dinner to trenzalore where they encounter the weeping angels (the main antagonists of Smith's final episode) as well as daleks, cybermen, and we see a return of the Silence. The Doctor is said to lose a leg when an angel grabs it and turns it to stone. (Just as a side note, it will be interesting to see how the Doctor takes seeing the weeping angels again for the first time since losing Amy and Rory to them in The Angels take Manhattan) Following this, the Doctor rages a 300 year war against the Angels. In the end, the crack opens up in the sky and the Doctor sees Gallifrey. Suppoedly, the crack was formed when the Doctors sent Gallifrey to the pockey universe in Day of the Doctor. The timelords, in gratitude for saving Gallifrey and Trenzalore, give the Doctor a new set of regenerations. He then proceeds to regenerate. Enter Peter Capaldi, Exit, Mat Smith. It was said that the Smith - Capaldi regeneration will be an intense light show and just as heart-wrenching as Tennant's departure in The End of Time Part 2.



Time of the Doctor teaser.