Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reaction to 'The Angels take Manhattan' and series 7 part 1

             Well, the first part of season 7 was great. Beginning with Asylum of the Daleks, in which the Daleks 'acquire' Amy, Rory, and the Doctor and ask the Doctor to save them from the 'Asylum'. The Asylum is the prison planet where insane Daleks reside. As well as seeing every Dalek in Doctor Who history, we also get a surprise appearance of Jenna-Louise Coleman as Oswin Oswald. Not until the end do we find out that tha Oswin is actually a dalek. She was a survivor from the crash of the Alaska that found her way inside the asylum and was completely converted into a Dalek by mad Daleks. She wipes all memory of the Doctor from the minds of the Daleks. In the end, the doctor beams himself, Amy, and Rory off of the asylum just as it explodes. Upon returning to the dalek ship, he realizes that the Daleks have no memory of him, that Oswin wiped his memory from all of the daleks. The daleks are left uttering the phrase 'Doctor Who?'
       In this episode, the Doctor, Amy, Rory, Rory's dad, Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, and and an African expedition hunter named Riddel (Sherlock's Rupert Graves) board an unmanned spaceship only to find out that it was carrying a cargo of Dinosaurs from Siluria and that a hi-jacker killed the crew of Silurians piloting the craft. This episode also sees a reunion of Harry Potter stars David Bradley and Mark Williams (Mr.Filch and Mr.Weasley). Also, did anyone notice that the TARDIS on the post card from Siluria that Amy and Rory got was Tennant's Tardis?
        In this episode, we see the Doctor, Amy, and Rory in the American West in a town called Mercy. The towns people are being tormented by an extra-terrestrial cyborg called Kahler-Tek. The Reason for the torment is that another doctor, Kahler-Jex, is seeking refuge in the town, hiding from the cyborg after his (Jex's) ship crash-landed on earth, just outside Mercy. With the technology and power from his crashed ship, Jex gives the town electricity. When the Doctor Introduces himself, Amy, and Rory, the town marshal asks if he is an alien, to which he replies he is. He is then carried by the towns people to the border of Mercy and thrown over the border. Tek now shows up about a hundred yards behind the Doctor and approaches him and the groups of towns people, and Amy and Rory. The gunslinger acknowledges the doctor as an alien doctor and goes away. Later, the doctor (along with his new stetson and the town pastor's  horse named Joshua who calls himself Susan and asks that they respect his life choices) go into the desert and find Jex's crashed ship and the power wire going to the town. When the doctor tries to enter the ship, he sets off the alarm which is detected by the Gunslinger (Tek). The Doctor gets into the ship and shuts off the alarm, only to find out that auto self destruct has been activated. he uses his trusty sonic to deactivate self destruct and gets into the computer and learns why the Gunslinger wants to kill Kahler-Jex. Kahler Jex created the cyborg known as gunslinger. Gunslinger was a monster, full of hatred because of how he was tortured by kahler-jex and his colleagues when they created the cyborgs, which were originally created for war. The Doctor and the Marshal, Isaac, confront Jex with this new found information, and carry him to the border of Mercy and throw him over the line for the Gunslinger to kill. The Doctor has no mercy for Jex. The gunslinger shows up to kill Jex, when Amy tells the Doctor 'Thats not how we roll', to which the Doctor replies that his mercy has gotten so many innocent people killed (the master, the daleks). Amy then says 'So, this is what happens when you travel alone for to long. The Doctor then has a change of heart and pulls Jex back across the line. The Gunslinger then shoots Isaac and kills him, leaving the town without a Marshal. In his last moments, Isaac gives the Doctor his badge and says he is the marshal now. The Doctor says tha the conflic has gone on far too long, to which the Gunslinger tells the Doctor that he is right and that he has until 'Noon Tomorrow' to bring him Kahler-Jex or he kills everyone on the town. The next day everyone in town (exceot Doctor, Amy, Rory, Jex, and an 18 year old is in church. Gunslinger comes to the town and meets the Doctor at noon at the center of town. When Gunslinger finds out Doctor isn't going to let him kill Jex, he becomes angered, at which point, the Doctor (along with Amy, Rory, Jex, and the 18 year old) put their plan into action. They all have Jex's tattoo on their faces as to confuse Gunslinger when the run past him. The real Jex runs into the desert and boards his ship and engages self destruct and kills himself out of guilt over what he did to Tek and all of the others he has wronged. A cloud of fire and smoke is seen rising above the town.
Gunslinger, seeing the cloud of smoke and fire says Jex died with honor. Doctor asks Gunslinger if he will go back to his home world now, to which he replies that he cant because he sees himself as a monster and says he will go out into the desert and wander until he dies and says he is not a man of peace. The doctor then says the least he can protect it and that the toen is still in need of a marshal. In the end we see the once feared Gunslinger as the town's new Marshall, watching over the town and protecting its citizens from harm from the hills above as a silent guardian.
         The power of three opens with a voice over of Amy comparing 'Doctor' life to 'real' life. In the power of three, the Doctor hangs around at home with the Ponds after very small cubes slowly appear around the earth. This is dubbed "The Slow Invasion of the Very Small Cubes". In this episode we meet a character by the Name of Kate Stewart, from UNIT, who is the daughter of the Doctors dearly departed good friend,  Brigadier Lethridge Stewart. As the cubes appear and continuously do nothing, the Doctor becomes bored and leaves Amy and Rory for short amounts of time, and eventually finds out that he loves video games. While playing Wii, the Doctor's cube floats through the air and right in front of him and begins firing laser bolts and starts surfing 'the net', all the while Amy's cube took her pulse, Brian's (Rory's dad) cube slid across his desk, and Rory's cube was scanning the kitchen. When the cubes activate, the hospital Rory works at begins to overflow with cube-related injuries and they call Rory in. Brian volunteers to go to the hospital and help Rory, while Amy and the Doctor go to Unit's underground headquarters.  Unit has there own collection of individually contained cubes doing strange things like causing mood swing, playing the chicken dance, and opening up. Back at the hospital, Rory's dad goes missing and upon investigating, Rory finds a portal in an elevator the goes to a space craft orbiting earth "one dimension to the left". After 47 minutes of random activity, the cubes shut off, as well as the power at UNIT. The Doctor realizes that the cubes shut down because they didn't find what the wanted. Then, simultaneously, all around the world, the cubes open up. After the cubes open up, people world wide begin to die, as does one of the Doctor tow hearts. Again. Amy and the Doctor go to the hospital to look for jelp and find a girl with what appears to be a "Mother cube" controlling the rest. The Doctor uses his trusty sonic to disable the cube's control over the girls mind. Amy finds an AED machine and restarts the Doctors dying heart, to which he exclaims "WELCOME BACK LEFTY!" and then they find Rory and the portal to the space craft and the control system for the cubes, run by a computer generated program stating that the cubes are like the Reckoning and the tali must be met for the Shakri. The Doctor disables the program, and reverses the effects of the cubes (which brings people back to life), sets the ship to explode and jumps ship through the elevator portal with Amy, Rory , and Brian just as the ship explodes and takes the cubes with it.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I thought I had written a review on 'The Angels Take Manhattan (and I remember writing one but haven't the slightest idea of what happened to it) but I must not have.

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