Saturday, December 27, 2014

Attack on Supernatural Fandom

My fellow whovians,

A bit on the Christmas episode will be in another post. I deem the attack on the supernatural fandom to be of a more serious nature. Several Anons sent hate mail and comments to several big SPN blogs over on tumblr. Messages and comments from these Snobs (Yes, it was supposed to be Anons but auto correct took over and I decided to leave it because it fit) tell bloggers things such as they are worthless and should end their own lives. There is news circulating that some bloggers (no names) have ended their lives. As a member of the SPN fandom, these attacks by Anons have come as a shock to me. Just as well, they have gotten the attention of Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Jim Beaver, Ruth Connelly (Rowena) and Felicia Day. I feel the need now to tell the Supernatural fandom that each and every one of the supernatural fans is loved by their family and friends and their support and love of the show is appreciated by the cast and crew that make it all possible. The Supernatural fandom is a family, and a string one at that and we will PREVAIL! WE WILL OVERCOME THIS! WE WILL NOT LET THEM DESTROY US OR GET TO US!
So, please feel free to share this where ever you see fit, whether it be Facebook, tumblr, WordPress, blogspot, Twitter or whatever social media sight you use to connect. And please, again, don't let the anons get into your head. If you use tumblr or any other blogging platform, please turn off the anonymous message and comment features if you see it fit or feel the need to do so. SPREAD THE MESSAGE THAT THE SPN FANDOM IS HERE. THE SPN FANDOM WILL PREVAIL!

Much Love to and from the SPN FANDOM,

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thanksgiving Thought

Just a thought...
In an episode, perhaps after Clara's departure (At this point though, I suppose it would have to be), I would like to see the events leading up to the 12th Doctors entrance into the events seen in Day of the Doctor ( That epic glare and flip of the switch, Capaldi's first on screen appearance as the Doctor.


A Thanksgiving Message from the Doctor!

Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014 'Last Christmas…:

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

So...Tonight Was Pretty Awesome!

Had the pleasure of viewing "Deep Breath" on the giant screen today with an intro from Strax and a behinds the scenes look following theepisode. I say... Night well spent!


Tonight's Menu.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

OFFICIAL Doctor Who Series 8 Opening Title Sequence + New Theme Song

The New Doctor Lands TODAY!!

Well, whovians, we get our first full length episode starring Peter Capaldi tonight and it should be AWESOME! If his Doctor is anything like that stern, angry glare we saw in Day of the Doctor, the new Doctor is a force to be reckoned with. Stay tuned for a review of 'Deep Breath'.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Deep Breath

Greetings Whovians!

Where are just days away from the premiere of Series 8 with the episode 'Deep Breath'!

There will be a theatrical showing of Deep Breath in theaters/cinemas around the world.

You can find out where it is showing near you here.

You can also pick up a t-shirt for the event here.

 I got mine in the mail yesterday. It is AWESOME! Definitely pick one up if you have the chance.

Episode titles were revealed this week and are as follows.

Episode 1: "Deep Breath"
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Ben Wheatley

Episode 2: "Into The Dalek"
Written by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat
Directed by Ben Wheatley
Introducing Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink.

Episode 3: "Robot Of Sherwood"
Written by Mark Gatiss
Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 4: "Listen"
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 5: "Time Heist"
Written by Stephen Thompson and Steven Moffat
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 6: "The Caretaker"
Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat
Directed by Paul Murphy

Episode 7: "Kill The Moon"
Written by Peter Harness
Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 8: "Mummy On The Orient Express"
Written by Jamie Mathieson
Directed by Paul Wilmshurst

Episode 9: "Flatline"
Written by Jamie Mathieson
Directed by Douglas Mackinnon

Episode 10: "In The Forest Of The Night"
Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce
Directed by Sheree Folkson

Episode 11: "Dark Water"
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Rachel Talalay

Episode 12: "Death In Heaven"
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Rachel Talalay 
Also, rumors of Jenna Coleman's departure as Clara during the Christmas special are swirling around the internet. If episode 12, titled "Death in Heaven", is the Christmas special and the episode in which we say goodbye to Clara, then things could turn toward a departure due to death.



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Master Returns?

Hey, folks, my apologies for the quiet blog over the last two months. Been busy. Anyhow, an announcement this week from Doctor Who staff states that the Doctor will be returning Lanzarote in a sequel episode to "Planet of Fire" from 1984. It was also hinted by the 7th Doctor himself, Sylvester McCoy, that we could see the return of a darker, scarier Master.  Personally, I hope that John Simm will reprise the role briefly for possibly a regeneration or similar scene to tie it to the RTD era master.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Matt Smith Cast in New Terminator Reboot

The Eleventh Doctor himself has been cast in the new Terminator film set for release July 1st, 2015.



Wednesday, March 19, 2014

News and Production Photos!

An interesting article about a Tardis style phone booth in Dorset in the UK


Production shots reveal a new monster making its debut some time during the series 8 run.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Hey guys, I know its been a while since I've posted, but I've been busy. And Doctor Who news has been somewhat slow since Christmas.

Anyhow, I do have some news and a production shot today.

The News:

Actor Sam Anderson has been cast in a recurring role in Series 8 , which is set to air in August of this year. Sam will play Danny Pink, a colleague of Clara (he was briefly seen in 'Day of the Doctor') at the Coal Hill School which has been a part of Doctor who since the start in 1963.


Also, photos of filming have been making their way around the internet just after the official release of Capaldi in his Doctor costume.



Monday, February 10, 2014

Peter and Jenna (The Doctor and Clara) Production Shot

Jenna and Peter standing in front of the Tardis, with Peter sporting what appears to be the Doctor's new outfit.


Christopher Barry Dies at 88

        Christopher Barry, the oldest surviving director of the original run of Doctor Who has passed awat at the age of 88.

(Source: )

Peter Capaldi Doctor Who Series 8 Opening Sequence -- Finalized - 2014 ...

This is perhaps the best fan-made intro I've seen yet!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Peter Capaldi's Official 12th Doctor Costume!

Just released today from BBCAmerica, we have our first look as=t the new Doctor's outfit!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Episode Reviews

I will have the reviews for 'Day of the Doctor' and 'Time of the Doctor' on here very soon. Hopefully. I've been a bit preoccupied and haven't had the time I needed to write them. Thank you for your patience.