Saturday, December 27, 2014

Attack on Supernatural Fandom

My fellow whovians,

A bit on the Christmas episode will be in another post. I deem the attack on the supernatural fandom to be of a more serious nature. Several Anons sent hate mail and comments to several big SPN blogs over on tumblr. Messages and comments from these Snobs (Yes, it was supposed to be Anons but auto correct took over and I decided to leave it because it fit) tell bloggers things such as they are worthless and should end their own lives. There is news circulating that some bloggers (no names) have ended their lives. As a member of the SPN fandom, these attacks by Anons have come as a shock to me. Just as well, they have gotten the attention of Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Jim Beaver, Ruth Connelly (Rowena) and Felicia Day. I feel the need now to tell the Supernatural fandom that each and every one of the supernatural fans is loved by their family and friends and their support and love of the show is appreciated by the cast and crew that make it all possible. The Supernatural fandom is a family, and a string one at that and we will PREVAIL! WE WILL OVERCOME THIS! WE WILL NOT LET THEM DESTROY US OR GET TO US!
So, please feel free to share this where ever you see fit, whether it be Facebook, tumblr, WordPress, blogspot, Twitter or whatever social media sight you use to connect. And please, again, don't let the anons get into your head. If you use tumblr or any other blogging platform, please turn off the anonymous message and comment features if you see it fit or feel the need to do so. SPREAD THE MESSAGE THAT THE SPN FANDOM IS HERE. THE SPN FANDOM WILL PREVAIL!

Much Love to and from the SPN FANDOM,

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